Monday, September 29, 2008

Release your animal instincts!

I happen to love fabrics with animal prints........I love them all - the tiger, leopard, zebra and cheetah. One evening at GLAM COUTURE, Dave Casanova - owner - happened to mention to all standing around that he had some new dresses with the animal prints ready for release.....well, all the models immediately got on their knees and begged Dave to bestow the beauties on them and all the models were then running around the store in the various animal print dresses. The dresses are very well made and all the shading in just the right places and seductively low in the back to provide that sexy, senual look. My favorite is the tiger dress and I model it any chance that I get and I add my tiger boots from Nora (no longer available) to set off the tiger stripes in the dress. Release the animal in you and pick up one of the these beauties at GLAM COUTURE located in TAMPA BAY 111/164/23.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Gorgeous Formal Gown!

Last week when I hurried home from RL work (yes, I actually do have a RL job) and jumped into SL as I was in a hurry to get over to the release event at the Tampa Bay sim for some new outfits at GLAM COUTURE, Dave Casanova, the owner, said, "Loxley, throw on this gown and model it for the event." I promptly searched my inventory, because I am a clothes hound - you do not wish to see my inventory - and found the package that Dave had forwarded to me. I quickly put on the Marianna Gown in Silver from GLAM COUTURE and I was in love. (yes, yes.......I know, you hear that I love everything that I wear) The gown was a classic beauty and no adjustments were needed to be off and modeling this gorgeous gown. (Pictured is the Marianna Gown in Gold) Come on by GLAM COUTURE in the Tampa Bay sim and see the styles that are offered here.
Tampa Bay 111/164/23

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Successful Event and Release...........

The event at Glam Couture last night was a big success. Dave Casanova was on hand for the release of three new outfits and the general comments from those that attended the event were fantastic.........I believe that everyone really loved the Zinderella Gown especially in red.

The sim was full at times with all the people dropping in, but everyone had a good time and did some shopping and picked up the freebie called the Zipper Outfit (hint.....hint......Dave usually leaves the outfit out just in case people are unable to attend the release events......come on down!)

Just want to remind everyone that there are 8 Lucky Chairs just across the street from Glam Couture and some really nice outfits offered to those lucky enough to have their letter come up. I have picked up some nice outfits myself from those lucky chairs.

Also wanted to mention that Glam Couture was also blogged by Free Second and My Second Life on the D-List ........ thank you so much.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The sexy Zinderella Gown......

At Glam Couture...............the new Zinderalla Gown.
This gown is just too much. The Zinderalla Gown can take you any place with the option of the open or closed skirt. It comes in black, purple, red, blue and teal. (Tampa Bay 109/168/22)

Freebie being offered at Glam Couture........

At approximately, 8:00PM SLT on Tuesday - 9/16/2008, Dave Casanova will be in his store Glam Couture to release three new outfits - the Gayla Outfit mentioned in previous blog and the Marianna Gown in 5 colors and the Ziderella Gown in 5 colors. (Tampa Bay 109/168/22)

FREEBIE outfit being offered is Zip Outfit.........very sexy. (Price - $0L)

Release for Glam Couture.............

Glam Couture is having a release of three new outfits on Tuesday evening - 9/16/2008 at the Tampa Bay 109/168/22.
Pictured is the Gayla Outfit that is available in 5 colors - blue, bronze (pictured), purple, red and teal. The outfit has two skirt options - flexi and sculpted and is sure to turn anyone's head when you wear this cute number and walk through the sims.
The event surrounding the release will be at 8:00PM SLT.

More about Glam Couture......

Dave Casanova is the owner behind Glam Couture. Yes, ladies he is a good looking hunk but I should forwarn you that he is taken by his lovely partner, wife, business associate and close friend - Journey McLaglen, the owner of Prism. Dave will be more than glad to carry on a conversation with you and he is a long time resident of of those orginal ones. Dave has put his creative talents into the designs that make up the fashion that comes from Glam Couture.

Be sure to stop by and visit Glam Couture at the Tampa Bay sim and when you visit Glam Couture, be sure to touch the subscribe - 0 - matic for updates and group give aways. And if you hurry on down to Glam Couture - the free catsuits from last giveaway are still sitting out and available for the taking. See you at Glam Couture.............

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Introduction to Glam Couture and Freebies......

Hello.........this is Loxley Tatham and with this post I am going to introduce you to Glam Couture which is an upscale woman's clothing store located in the Fashion District on the Tampa Bay sim. (Tampa Bay 112/155/23) The name of the store speaks for itself as "glam" is the style of the clothes that one would find in this shop and "couture" which would refer to High Fashion.

The stores features live models and weekly give aways and if you run right over you might be fortunate to still be able to grab the recent freebie of two latex catsuits (Firestarter & Obisidian) that were being offered in the store along an additional freebie that is a cute dress. You can sign up for the Picks/Profile option and receive a month payment for keeping Glam Couture in your profile.