Thursday, September 11, 2008

Introduction to Glam Couture and Freebies......

Hello.........this is Loxley Tatham and with this post I am going to introduce you to Glam Couture which is an upscale woman's clothing store located in the Fashion District on the Tampa Bay sim. (Tampa Bay 112/155/23) The name of the store speaks for itself as "glam" is the style of the clothes that one would find in this shop and "couture" which would refer to High Fashion.

The stores features live models and weekly give aways and if you run right over you might be fortunate to still be able to grab the recent freebie of two latex catsuits (Firestarter & Obisidian) that were being offered in the store along an additional freebie that is a cute dress. You can sign up for the Picks/Profile option and receive a month payment for keeping Glam Couture in your profile.

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